Dan Attrell, David Porreca: Picatrix : a medieval treatise on astral magic (2019, Penn State University Press) 5 stars

A must-have volume for any astrologer or magician

5 stars

There are two Picatrix translations that get used by practitioners these days: this one, and the Warnock/Greer one. Both are excellent, but I prefer this one, and this is why: Attrell and Porreca have an academic approach to translation that lends itself to copious footnotes and careful, historical consideration of strange terms. They also label portions of the text by section and paragraph number, making it much easier to share citations with others. While the Warnock/Greer translation may be targeted at practitioners, I believe that practitioners can get even more out of this one, just from its ease of reference and excellent indices and appendices.