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Aidan Wachter: Weaving Fate (Paperback, 2020, Red Temple Press) 5 stars

Excellent work on hyper sigils in Watcher's magical context

5 stars

I read this before Wachter's best known book #6ways and it was excellent. I mostly don't do the work from magical instruction books, looking for for overarching theories and philosophies instead, but this one was really superb (and spooky effective). I have to be honest that it runs in the vein of "manifestation" work that comes from New Thought in part, but Watcher really effectively anchors this is very different magical theory (him being sort of chaos magic 2.0, or chaos magic with Feelings (TM) maybe) and so it was easy work adapting it to my own world view. Highly recommend for anyone interested in creative writing as magic and hyper sigils in general.