Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge

Author details

July 27, 1857
Nov. 23, 1934

External links

Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis Budge (born 1857; died 1934) was an English Egyptologist, Orientalist, and philologist who worked for the British Museum and published numerous works on the ancient Near East.


  • ID 177948469: Amulets and superstitions
  • ID 186401975: Literature of the ancient Egyptians
  • ID 182313014: Rosetta stone in the British Museum
  • ID 180363052: Nile
  • ID 186386120: Legends of the gods
  • ID 177476569: Hieroglyphic vocabulary to the Theban recension of the Book of the dead, with an index to all the English equivalents of the Egyptian words
  • ID 178220784: Easy lessons in Egyptian hieroglyphics with sign list
  • ID 185849241: Mummy
  • ID 176149014: Egyptian ideas of the future life

Books by Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge