Star Trek: Aventine Public

Created and curated by Lumii

For tracking the adventures of the USS Aventine and Captain Dax!

  1. Star Trek : Destiny #1 by 

    5 stars

    Half a decade after the Dominion War and more than a year after the rise and fall of Praetor Shinzon, …

  2. Mere Mortals: Destiny, Book II by  (Star Trek: Destiny, Book II)

    5 stars

    On Earth, Federation President Nanietta Bacco gathers allies and adversaries to form a desperate last line of defense against an …

  3. Lost Souls: Destiny, Book III by  (Star Trek: Destiny, Book III)

    5 stars

    The soldiers of Armageddon are on the march, laying waste to worlds in their passage. An audacious plan could stop …

  4. A Singular Destiny by 

    5 stars

    The shape of things to come. The cataclysmic events of Star Trek: Destiny have devastated known space. Worlds have fallen. …

    Lumii says:

    Post Destiny trilogy with Sonek Pran - really enjoy seeing this side of Dax. Many times her approach reminds me of Pike from SNW.

  5. Zero Sum Game: Typhon Pact, Book One by  (Typhon Pact, Book One)

    4 stars

    A spy for the Typhon Pact—a new political rival of the Federation—steals the plans for Starfleet's newest technological advance: the …

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