Matthew reviewed The Man Who Was Thursday by G. K. Chesterton
Surreal, thoughtful, hilarious.
5 stars
“The whole gave him a sensation, the vividness of which he could not explain, that Nature was always making quite mysterious jokes.”
G. K. Chesterton: The Man Who Was Thursday (Paperback, 2017, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Createspace Independent Publishing Platform)
Paperback, 122 pages
Published June 1, 2017 by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Createspace Independent Publishing Platform.
Can you trust yourself when you don't know who you are?Syme uses his new acquaintance to go undercover in Europe's Central Anarchist Council and infiltrate their deadly mission, even managing to have himself voted to the position of 'Thursday'. In a park in London, secret policeman Gabriel Syme strikes up a conversation with an anarchist. Sworn to do his duty,When Syme discovers another undercover policeman on the Council, however, he starts to question his role in their operations. And as a desperate chase across Europe begins, his confusion grows, as well as his confidence in his ability to outwit his enemies.But he has still to face the greatest terror that the Council has - its leader: a man named Sunday, whose true nature is worse than Syme could ever have imagined ...
“The whole gave him a sensation, the vividness of which he could not explain, that Nature was always making quite mysterious jokes.”
Denne boka dukka opp på ei liste over klassikere, men var den eneste på lista jeg ikke en gang hadde hørt om. Så jeg kasta meg inn i den uten å lese meg noe opp først. Boka er en slags thriller, men den er tidvis absurd, satirisk og leker en del med språket. Derfor ble jeg umiddelbart minna om Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett og den typen britisk litteratur. Plottet kunne vært en episode av The Prisoner: En poet blir verva inn i en (anti-)intellektuell politistyrke som skal avdekke en anarkistkonspirasjon. Men så baller det på seg i alle retninger. Slik sett var det ei overraskende bok å finne på en klassikerliste, men fornøyelig å lese fra ende til annen (selv om den noe allegoriske slutten ikke var så spennende).